neMESYS SDK  20150729
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 ConfigurationConfigurate dosing unit parameters
 Device Specific FunctionsThis group defines all required error functions for controlling the device directly by reading and writing the object dictionary and process data
 Device StateQuery device state
 Digital/Analog IOFunctions for control of digital and analog input and output
 DosingFunctions for various dosing tasks
 Dosing InfoFunctions to query dosing parameters and device states
 Error CodesThese identifiers provide a common set of error codes that all packages can agree on
 Additional errors used by networking
 Additional user defined error codes
 CANopen Data link layer errors
 CANopen SDO transfer errors
 CANopen application layer errors
 CANopen device profile specific errors
 Common error codes
 IPC/network software -- argument errors
 IPC/network software -- operational errors
 Non-blocking and interrupt i/o
 Error HandlingThis group defines all required error handling functions
 Flow ProfileSetup, execute and stop flow profile tables
 InitialisationInitialize communication to device
 Valve ControlFunctions for control of integrated two-way-valve
 Volume an Flow UnitsConfigure, select and query volume and flow unit parameters