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API for programming neMESYS devices (NCS - NEMESYS COMMAND SET) More...
Macros | |
#define | NCS_Func extern "C" __declspec (dllimport) |
Typedefs | |
typedef unsigned long | ncs_hdl |
Handle type for passing device handles to and from a function. | |
typedef enum eDigInChannelId | TDigInChannelId |
Digital input channel identifier for function NCS_ReadDigInput(). More... | |
typedef enum eDigOutChannelId | TDigOutChannelId |
Digital ourput channel identifier for function NCS_WriteDigOutput() You can use these identifiers to select a certain digital output channel according to the purpose of this channel configured in the pump drive. | |
typedef enum eFlowUnitId | TFlowUnitId |
Flow unit identifiers. More... | |
typedef enum eValveActions | TValveAction |
Valve action identifiers. More... | |
typedef enum eVolUnitId | TVolUnitId |
Volume unit identifiers. More... | |
Enumerations | |
Digital input channel identifier for function NCS_ReadDigInput(). More... | |
Digital ourput channel identifier for function NCS_WriteDigOutput() You can use these identifiers to select a certain digital output channel according to the purpose of this channel configured in the pump drive. | |
Flow unit identifiers. More... | |
enum | eValveActions { NCS_VALVE_ACTION_OUT = 0x00, NCS_VALVE_ACTION_IN = 0x01, NCS_VALVE_ACTION_NONE = 0xFF } |
Valve action identifiers. More... | |
Volume unit identifiers. More... | |
Functions | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_AddFlowProfileValue (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double Flow, unsigned int FlowUnit, unsigned long Duration, unsigned int ValveAction) |
Add single flow profile value to flow profile of certain dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_Calibrate (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Execute calibration for single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_ClearFault (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Clears fault state of single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_ClearFlowProfile (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Clear flow profile. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_CloseDevice (ncs_hdl hDevice) |
Closes connection and frees all resources. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_DoseVolume (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pVolume, double *pFlowRate) |
Doses a defined volume with a defined flow rate. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_DoseVolumeEx (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pVolume, TVolUnitId VolUnit, double *pFlowRate, TFlowUnitId FlowUnit) |
Doses a defined volume with a defined flow rate. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_EmergencyStopAllUnits (ncs_hdl hDevice) |
Performs quick stop for all dosing units. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_EmptySyringe (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pFlowRate) |
Eympties syringe by moving pusher to lower limit of dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_EmptySyringeEx (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pFlowRate, TFlowUnitId FlowUnit) |
Eympties syringe by moving pusher to lower limit of dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_FindHome (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, char HomingMethod) |
Execute homing move (calibration) with a certain homing method. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GenerateFlow (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pFlowRate) |
Generate define fluid stream until dosing unit reaches its limits. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GenerateFlowEx (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pFlowRate, TFlowUnitId FlowUnit) |
Generate define fluid stream until dosing unit reaches its limits. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetActiveFlowUnit (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Get identifier of active flow unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetActiveVolumeUnit (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Get identifier of active svolume unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetCurrentIs (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, short *pCurrent) |
Get actual current value of single dosing unit in mA. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetDevErrorMsg (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, long DevErrCode, char *pErrString, unsigned char MaxErrStringSize) |
Get an descriptive error message for a certain device error code. More... | |
NCS_Func void __stdcall | NCS_GetErrorMsg (long ErrCode, char *pErrMsgBuf, unsigned long ErrMsgBugSize) |
Get an descriptive error message for a certain error code. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetFlowProfileState (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned long *pRemainingCycles, unsigned long *pActiveValueIndex) |
Get state of runnning flow profile. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetFlowProfileValue (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned long Index, double *pValue) |
Read a certain entry from flow profile table. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetFlowRateIs (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pFlowRateIs) |
Get actual flow rate of single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetFlowRateIsEx (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pFlowRateIs, TFlowUnitId FlowUnit) |
Get actual flow rate of single dosing unit (extended version). More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetFlowRateMax (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pFlowRateMax) |
Get maximum flow rate that is realizable with current dosing unit configuration. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetFlowRateMaxEx (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pFlowRateMax, TFlowUnitId FlowUnit) |
Get maximum flow rate that is realizable with current dosing unit configuration. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetFlowUnitString (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char FlowUnitId, char *pUnitStringShort, unsigned char MaxStringShortSize, char *pUnitStringLong, unsigned char MaxStringLongSize) |
Get string for certain flow unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetLastDevErr (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, long *pLastErr) |
Get last error from device that is in fault state. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetNumberOfDosingUnits (ncs_hdl hDevice) |
Get number of dosing unnits connected to dosing platform. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetNumberOfFlowProfileValues (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned long *pNumberOfValues) |
Query number of flow values values in current flow profile. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetNumberOfFlowUnits (ncs_hdl hDevice) |
Get number of supported flow units (i.e. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetNumberOfVolumeUnits (ncs_hdl hDevice) |
Get number of supported volume units (i.e. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetPressureIs (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, float *pPressure) |
Get actual pressure value of single dosing unit in bar. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetSyringeLevelIs (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pVolume) |
Get actual syringe fill level. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetSyringeLevelIsEx (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pVolume, TVolUnitId VolUnit) |
Get actual syringe fill level (extended version). More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetSyringeLevelMax (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pSyringeLevelMax) |
Get maximum syringe fill level for a single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetSyringeLevelMaxEx (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pSyringeLevelMax, TVolUnitId VolUnit) |
Get maximum syringe fill level for a single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetSyringeLevelMin (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pSyringeLevelMin) |
Get minimum syringe fill level for a single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetSyringeLevelMinEx (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pSyringeLevelMin, TVolUnitId VolUnit) |
Get minimum syringe fill level for a single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetSyringeLimits (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pLimitMin_mm, double *pLimitMax_mm) |
Returns syringe limits. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetSyringeParam (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pInnerDiameter_mm, double *pMaxPistonStroke_mm) |
Read syringe parameters. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_GetVolumeUnitString (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char VolUnitId, char *pUnitStringShort, unsigned char MaxStringShortSize, char *pUnitStringLong, unsigned char MaxStringLongSize) |
Get string for certain volume unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_IsCalibrationFinished (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Get actual flow rate of single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_IsDosingFinished (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Check if dosing unit finished dosing (is stopped). More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_IsHighPressureModule (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Checks if a certain dosing unit is a high pressure module. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_IsInFaultState (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Check if dosing unit is in fault state. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_IsInvertedValveSwitchingOn (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Checks if inverted valve switching is on or off. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_IsOperational (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Check if dosing unit is operational. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_IsValveAutomaticOn (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Checks if valve automatic is switched on or off. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_IsValveInstalled (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Checks if a valve is installed. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_IsValveSwitchedToOutput (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Check status of valve. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_OpenDevice (unsigned char bShowStatusWnd, ncs_hdl *phDevice) |
Opens a connection for sending and receiving data. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_ReadAnalogInput (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned char Channel, short *pVoltageAnalogIn) |
Read analog input state of one channel of a single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_ReadDigInput (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned char Channel, unsigned char *pDigInState) |
Read digital input state of one channel of a single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_ReadDigInputs (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned short *pDigInStates) |
Read all digital input states of a single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_ReadObjDicEntry (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, void *pDataBuf, unsigned short wSize, unsigned short wObjDicIdx, unsigned char ObjDicSub, bool bConsiderEndian) |
Read object dictionary entry. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_ReadObjDicEntryInt (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, long *pDataBuf, unsigned char ByteSize, unsigned short wObjDicIdx, unsigned char ObjDicSub) |
Read object dictionary entry and interpret as signed integer value. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_ReadProcData (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, void *pBuf, unsigned short wSize, unsigned short wObjDicIdx, unsigned char ObjDicSub) |
Read process data. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_ReadProcDataInt (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, long *pBuf, unsigned char ByteSize, unsigned short wObjDicIdx, unsigned char ObjDicSub) |
Read process data and interpret it as an signed integer value. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_RefillSyringe (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pFlowRate) |
Refills syringe by moving pusher to upper limit of dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_RefillSyringeEx (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pFlowRate, TFlowUnitId FlowUnit) |
Refills syringe by moving pusher to upper limit of dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SetActiveFlowUnit (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned char FlowUnit) |
Set active flow unit for single device. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SetActiveVolumeUnit (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned char VolUnit) |
Set active volume unit for single device. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SetDisabled (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Sets dosing unit into an disabled state. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SetInvertedValveSwitching (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned char Invert) |
Activate / deactivate inverted valve switching. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SetOperational (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Sets dosing unit into an operational state and apply voltage to pump drive. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SetSyringeLevel (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pVolume, double *pFlowRate) |
Moves the pusher until syringe content reaches a certain level. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SetSyringeLevelEx (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double *pVolume, TVolUnitId VolUnit, double *pFlowRate, TFlowUnitId FlowUnit) |
Moves the pusher until syringe content reaches a certain level. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SetSyringeLimits (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double LimitMin_mm, double LimitMax_mm) |
Set syringe limits. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SetSyringeParam (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, double InnerDiameter_mm, double MaxPistonStroke_mm) |
Set syringe parameters. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SetValveAutomatic (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned char ValveAutomaticOn) |
Turn valve automatic on / off. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_StartFlowProfile (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned long StartIndex, unsigned long Cycles) |
Start processing of flow profile for single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_Stop (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit) |
Stop dosing of single unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_StopAllUnits (ncs_hdl hDevice) |
Stops movement of all dosing units. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_SwitchValve (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned char SwitchToOutput) |
Switch valve to input or output. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_WriteDigOutput (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned char Channel, unsigned char DigOutState) |
Write digital output state of one channel of a single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_WriteDigOutputs (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, unsigned short DigOutStates) |
Write all digital output states of a single dosing unit. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_WriteObjDicEntry (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, const void *pDataBuf, unsigned short wSize, unsigned short wObjDicIdx, unsigned char ObjDicSub, bool bConsiderEndian) |
Write an object dictionary entry. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_WriteObjDicEntryInt (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, long Data, unsigned char ByteSize, unsigned short wObjDicIdx, unsigned char ObjDicSub) |
Write a signed integer object dictionary entry. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_WriteProcData (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, void *pBuf, unsigned short wSize, unsigned short wObjDicIdx, unsigned char ObjDicSub, bool bImmediately) |
Write data into process image of this device. More... | |
NCS_Func long __stdcall | NCS_WriteProcDataInt (ncs_hdl hDevice, unsigned char DosingUnit, long Data, unsigned char ByteSize, unsigned short wObjDicIdx, unsigned char ObjDicSub, bool bImmediately) |
Write a signed integer value into process image of this device. More... | |
API for programming neMESYS devices (NCS - NEMESYS COMMAND SET)
typedef enum eFlowUnitId TFlowUnitId |
Flow unit identifiers.
This enumeration defines the identifiers for all supported flow rate units. Whenever you call a function that requires or returns a flow value you need these identifiers to configure the type of flow rate unit.
typedef enum eValveActions TValveAction |
Valve action identifiers.
These identifiers specify the valve action for single flow profile entries. At the start of each flow profile entry a certain valve action can be triggered.
typedef enum eVolUnitId TVolUnitId |
Volume unit identifiers.
This enumeration defines the identifiers for all supported volume units. (i.e. for NCS_SetActiveVolumeUnit() and NCS_GetActiveVolumeUnit)
enum eFlowUnitId |
Flow unit identifiers.
This enumeration defines the identifiers for all supported flow rate units. Whenever you call a function that requires or returns a flow value you need these identifiers to configure the type of flow rate unit.
enum eValveActions |
Valve action identifiers.
These identifiers specify the valve action for single flow profile entries. At the start of each flow profile entry a certain valve action can be triggered.
Enumerator | |
switch valve to output (dispense) |
switch valve to input (aspirate) |
do not change the state of the valve |
enum eVolUnitId |
Volume unit identifiers.
This enumeration defines the identifiers for all supported volume units. (i.e. for NCS_SetActiveVolumeUnit() and NCS_GetActiveVolumeUnit)
Enumerator | |
nanolitres |
microlitres |
millilitres |
litres |
millimetres - this unit is independent from syringe configuration |