Common error codes

Macros | |
#define | ERR_2BIG 0x0006 |
Argument list too long. | |
#define | ERR_ACCES 0x000D |
Permission denied. | |
#define | ERR_ADDRINUSE 0x0062 |
Address already in use. | |
#define | ERR_ADDRNOTAVAIL 0x0063 |
Cannot assign requested address. | |
#define | ERR_AFNOSUPPORT 0x0061 |
Address family not supported by protocol. | |
#define | ERR_AGAIN 0x000B |
Try again later. | |
#define | ERR_BADE 0x0087 |
Invalid exchange. | |
#define | ERR_BADF 0x0009 |
Bad file handle. | |
#define | ERR_BADR 0x0088 |
Invalid request descriptor. | |
#define | ERR_BADRQC 0x008B |
Invalid request code. | |
#define | ERR_BADSLT 0x008C |
Invalid slot. | |
#define | ERR_BUSY 0x0010 |
Resource busy. | |
#define | ERR_CANCELED 0x0024 |
Operation canceled. | |
#define | ERR_CHILD 0x0008 |
No child process. | |
#define | ERR_CHRNG 0x007F |
Channel number out of range. | |
#define | ERR_DEADLK 0x0023 |
Resource deadlock would occur. | |
#define | ERR_DESTADDRREQ 0x0059 |
Destination address required. | |
#define | ERR_DEVNOSUPP 0x00CA |
Device does not support this operation. | |
#define | ERR_DOM 0x0021 |
Argument to math function outside valid domain. | |
#define | ERR_EDQUOT 0x007A |
Quota exceeded. | |
#define | ERR_EOF 0x00C8 |
End of file reached. | |
#define | ERR_FAULT 0x000E |
Bad address. | |
#define | ERR_FBIG 0x001B |
File too large. | |
#define | ERR_IDRM 0x007E |
Identifier removed. | |
#define | ERR_ILSEQ 0x001F |
Illegal byte sequence. | |
#define | ERR_INTR 0x0004 |
Operation interrupted. | |
#define | ERR_INVAL 0x0016 |
Invalid argument. | |
#define | ERR_IO 0x0005 |
I/O error. | |
#define | ERR_ISDIR 0x0015 |
Is a directory. | |
#define | ERR_L2HLT 0x0086 |
Level 2 halted. | |
#define | ERR_L2NSYNC 0x0080 |
Level 2 not synchronized. | |
#define | ERR_L3HLT 0x0081 |
Level 3 halted. | |
#define | ERR_L3RST 0x0082 |
Level 3 reset. | |
#define | ERR_LNRNG 0x0083 |
Link number out of range. | |
#define | ERR_LOOP 0x0028 |
Too many symbolic links encountered. | |
#define | ERR_MFILE 0x0018 |
Too many open files. | |
#define | ERR_MLINK 0x000A |
Too many links. | |
#define | ERR_NAMETOOLONG 0x003C |
File name too long. | |
#define | ERR_NFILE 0x0017 |
Too many open files in system. | |
#define | ERR_NOANO 0x008A |
No anode. | |
#define | ERR_NOBUFS 0X0069 |
No buffer space available. | |
#define | ERR_NOCSI 0x0085 |
No CSI structure available. | |
#define | ERR_NODEV 0x0013 |
No such device. | |
#define | ERR_NOENT 0x0002 |
No such entity. | |
#define | ERR_NOERR 0x0000 |
No error. | |
#define | ERR_NOEXEC 0x0007 |
Executable format error. | |
#define | ERR_NOLCK 0x000F |
No lock available. | |
#define | ERR_NOMEM 0x000C |
Out of memory. | |
#define | ERR_NOMSG 0x007D |
No message of desired type. | |
#define | ERR_NOPROTOOPT 0x005C |
Protocol not available. | |
#define | ERR_NOSPC 0x001C |
No space left on device. | |
#define | ERR_NOSUPP 0x00C9 |
Operation not supported. | |
#define | ERR_NOSYS 0x0026 |
Function not implemented. | |
#define | ERR_NOTBLK 0x007B |
Block device required. | |
#define | ERR_NOTDIR 0x0014 |
Not a directory. | |
#define | ERR_NOTEMPTY 0x0042 |
Directory not empty. | |
#define | ERR_NOTSOCK 0x0058 |
Socket operation on non-socket. | |
#define | ERR_NOTSUP 0x005F |
Not supported error. | |
#define | ERR_NOTTY 0x0019 |
Not a typewriter. | |
#define | ERR_OVERFLOW 0x0025 |
Value too large. | |
#define | ERR_OWNERDEAD 0x0027 |
Owner dead. | |
#define | ERR_PERM 0x0001 |
Not permitted. | |
#define | ERR_PIPE2 0x0020 |
Broken pipe. | |
Protocol not supported. | |
#define | ERR_RANGE 0x0022 |
Math result cannot be represented. | |
#define | ERR_ROFS 0x001E |
Read-only file system. | |
#define | ERR_SPIPE 0x001D |
Illegal seek. | |
#define | ERR_SRCH 0x0003 |
No such process. | |
#define | ERR_TIMEOUT 0x00D0 |
an operation timed out | |
#define | ERR_TXTBSY 0x007C |
Text file busy. | |
#define | ERR_UNATCH 0x0084 |
Protocol driver not attached. | |
#define | ERR_UNKNOWN 0x00CB |
Unknown error or unknown error code. | |
#define | ERR_XDEV 0x0012 |
Cross-device link. | |
#define | ERR_XFULL 0x0089 |
Exchange full. | |
Macro Definition Documentation
- See also