labbCAN_AnalogIO_API.h File Reference

labbCAN Analog I/O application programming interface More...

#include "labbCAN_Bus_API.h"
+ Include dependency graph for labbCAN_AnalogIO_API.h:


long LCAIO_GetAnalogIoDevice (dev_hdl hChan, dev_hdl *pAnalogIoDeviceHdl)
 Query analog I/O device of a certain analog I/O channel. More...
long LCAIO_GetChanName (dev_hdl hChan, char *pNameStringBuf, int StringBufSize)
 Query name of specific channel. More...
long LCAIO_GetInChanHandle (unsigned char Index, dev_hdl *pInChanHdl)
 Get analog input channel handle by its index. More...
long LCAIO_GetInputSwScalingParam (dev_hdl InChanHdl, double *pScalingFactor, double *pScalingOffset)
 Query software scaling parameters. More...
long LCAIO_GetNoOfInputChannels ()
 Query number of available analog input channels. More...
long LCAIO_GetNoOfOutputChannels ()
 Query number of available analog output channels. More...
long LCAIO_GetOutChanHandle (unsigned char Index, dev_hdl *pOutChanHdl)
 Get analog out channel handle by its index. More...
long LCAIO_GetOutputSwScalingParam (dev_hdl OutChanHdl, double *pScalingFactor, double *pScalingOffset)
 Query software scaling parameters. More...
long LCAIO_GetOutputValue (dev_hdl OutChanHdl, double *pfValue)
 Return the output value of this channel. More...
long LCAIO_LookupAnalogIoDeviceByName (char *pName, dev_hdl *pAnalogIoDeviceHdl)
 Lookup an analog I/O device by its name. More...
long LCAIO_LookupInChanByName (const char *pChannelName, dev_hdl *pInChanHdl)
 Lookup for an analog input channel by its name. More...
long LCAIO_LookupOutChanByName (const char *pChannelName, dev_hdl *pOutChanHdl)
 Lookup for an analog output channel by its name. More...
long LCAIO_ReadInput (dev_hdl InChanHdl, double *pfValue)
 Read analog input of this channel. More...
long LCAIO_ReadStatus (dev_hdl InChanHdl, unsigned long *pdwStatus)
 Read additional status information from analog channel. More...
long LCAIO_SetInputSwScalingOn (dev_hdl InChanHdl, int ScalingOn)
 Enable / disable software scaling. More...
long LCAIO_SetInputSwScalingParam (dev_hdl InChanHdl, double ScalingFactor, double ScalingOffset)
 Set software scaling parameters. More...
long LCAIO_SetOutputSwScalingOn (dev_hdl OutChanHdl, int ScalingOn)
 Enable / disable software scaling. More...
long LCAIO_SetOutputSwScalingParam (dev_hdl OutChanHdl, double ScalingFactor, double ScalingOffset)
 Set software scaling parameters. More...
long LCAIO_WriteOutput (dev_hdl OutChanHdl, double fValue)
 Set analog output value of single channel. More...

Detailed Description

labbCAN Analog I/O application programming interface

Uwe Kindler (UK)