Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CCsiBusA CSI bus instance - this handles access to one CSI bus with all connected devices
 CCsiDevA Device object - required for device access and communication
 CCsiSerChannelSerial channel object for storing configuration data of a single serial channel
 CNemV4ScalingThis data structure encapsulates data for analog input scaling
 CstErrTblEntryOne table entry contains error code and error string
 CstNemesysA neMESYS Device object - required for device access and communication
 CstNemesysV4Nemesys device object - required for Nemesys access and communication
 CTCsiErrTblEntrySingle entry in error message table
 CTCsiFrameBufA CSI frame buffer for reception / transmission of frames
 CTCsiTimerA timer object
 CTwoPointScalingThe two points for a two point scaling