labbCAN Motion Control API


Motion control specific functions.

This module defines all labbCAN motion control specific functions, identifiers and data types for driving labbCAN conform positioning systems that are attached to a labbCAN software bus.

See also
See Motion Control Library for a detailed introduction and general overview of labbCAN motion control library.
+ Collaboration diagram for labbCAN Motion Control API:


 API Initialization
 API specific initialization functions.
 Axis System Configuration
 Axis system configuration functions This groups defines all functions to configure labCAN axis systems properly.
 Axis System Initialization
 Axis system specific initialization functions This groups defines all functions to setup and initialize labCAN axis systems properly.
 Error Handling
 Error handling functions.
 Motion functions for moving single axes or the whole positioning system.
 Position Marker
 Position marker functionality.
 Position Units
 Defines common position units for all axis devices.
 Prefix Constants
 Prefix constants for SI position and velocity unit specification.
 Status query functions.
 Time Units
 Time unit identifies for velocity.


 lca_posmark More...


enum  LCA_DeviceProperties { RotaxysPropertySafeRotation = 0, RotaxysPropertyUpperLimitSensorState = 1, Rotaxys360PropertyRotationReversalAngleDegree = 2 }
 Device property identifiers that can be used with the LCB_GetDeviceProperty() and LCB_SetDeviceProperty() function to read and write certain device properties. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Use this velocity constant if you need maximum velocity


Enumeration Type Documentation

Device property identifiers that can be used with the LCB_GetDeviceProperty() and LCB_SetDeviceProperty() function to read and write certain device properties.


Enables / disables safe rotation feature of rotAXYS device If this property is set to 1, the safe rotation feature is enabled.

Rotation is only allowed, if the upper limit sensor is on - that means, if the lift axis is in its topmost position. If you call LCA_MoveToPosXY() if the sensor is not active, then the function returns the error code ERR_PERM (Not permitted) and XY movement is blocked.RotaxysPropertySafeRotation


This read only property returns the state of the upper limit sensor.

Returns 1 if the sensor is on and 0 if the sensor is offRotaxysPropertyUpperLimitSensorState


The angle the rotAXYS360 device will never cross.
