labbCAN_MotionControl_API.h File Reference

labbCAN Motion Control Application Programming Interface More...

#include "labbCAN_Bus_API.h"
+ Include dependency graph for labbCAN_MotionControl_API.h:


#define CENTI   -2
#define DECI   -1
#define DEGREE   65
 Angle in degrees (0 - 360)
#define DEVICE   0
 use native device unit
 lca_posmark More...
#define METERS   1
#define MICRO   -6
#define MILLI   -3
#define PER_HOUR   3600
#define PER_MINUTE   60
#define PER_SECOND   1
 Detects all edges. More...
 Detects falling edges. More...
 Detects rising edges. More...
 On every detected edge (of correct kind) the position will be captured. More...
 The positions at the detected edges will be captured until the history buffer is full. More...
 Only the position at the first detected edge will be captured. More...
#define RADIAN   16
 Angle in radian (0 - 2pi)
#define REVOLUTIONS   254
#define UNIT   0
 use base unit


enum  LCA_DeviceProperties { RotaxysPropertySafeRotation = 0, RotaxysPropertyUpperLimitSensorState = 1, Rotaxys360PropertyRotationReversalAngleDegree = 2 }
 Device property identifiers that can be used with the LCB_GetDeviceProperty() and LCB_SetDeviceProperty() function to read and write certain device properties. More...


long LCA_AxisCount ()
 Returns the number of available axes registered in the labbCAN environment. More...
long LCA_ClearAxisFault (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Clear fault condition. More...
long LCA_ClearCapturedPositions (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Clear captured positions. More...
long LCA_Disable (dev_hdl hAxisSystem)
 Set all axis of an axis system into disabled state. More...
long LCA_DisableAxis (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Set a certain axis of an axis system into disabled state. More...
long LCA_Enable (dev_hdl hAxisSystem)
 Set all axis of an axis system into enabled (operational) state. More...
long LCA_EnableAxis (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Set single axis into enabled state. More...
long LCA_FindHome (dev_hdl hAxisSystem)
 Move all axis into its home position The axis system should manage the order of the movement and should know how to move all axis into a home state. More...
long LCA_FindHomeOfAxis (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Move single axis into its home position. More...
long LCA_GetActualPostitionXY (dev_hdl hAxisSystem, double *pfPosIsX, double *pfPosIsY)
 Query the actual XY position of the axis system. More...
long LCA_GetAxisHandle (dev_hdl hAxisSystem, unsigned char AxisId, dev_hdl *AxisHandle)
 Get an handle for a certain axis The functions LCB_ReadDevParam() and LCB_WriteDevParam() require a valid device handle to read and write device specific parameters. More...
long LCA_GetAxisHomingSwitchSpeed (dev_hdl hAxis, double *pfSpeed)
 Query speed for move to homing or limit switch. More...
long LCA_GetAxisPosCnt (dev_hdl hAxis, long *pPosCntValue)
 Query the value of the internal axis position counter. More...
long LCA_GetAxisPosIs (dev_hdl hAxis, double *pfPosIs)
 Query the actual position of the axis. More...
long LCA_GetAxisPosMax (dev_hdl hAxis, double *pfPosMax)
 Query maximum position limit for axis. More...
long LCA_GetAxisPosMin (dev_hdl hAxis, double *pfPosMin)
 Query minimum position limit for axis. More...
long LCA_GetAxisSystemAxisNumber (dev_hdl hAxisSystem)
 Returns the number of axes of a certain axis system. More...
long LCA_GetAxisSystemHandle (unsigned char Index, dev_hdl *AxisSystemHandle)
 Get an axis system handle by its index. More...
long LCA_GetAxisVelIs (dev_hdl hAxis, double *pfVelIs)
 Query actual speed of the axis. More...
long LCA_GetAxisVelMax (dev_hdl hAxis, double *pfVelMax)
 Query maximum velocity for axis. More...
long LCA_GetDefaultPosUnit (dev_hdl hAxis, int *pPrefix, int *pPositionUnit)
 Queries the default position unit. More...
long LCA_GetDefaultVelUnit (dev_hdl hAxis, int *pPrefix, int *pPositionUnit, int *pTimeUnit)
 Queries the default velocity unit. More...
long LCA_GetDevErrMsg (dev_hdl hAxis, long DevErr, char *pStringBuf, short BufSize)
 Get descriptive error message for a certain device error that cured. More...
long LCA_GetNoOfAxisSystems ()
 Query number of detected axis systems. More...
long LCA_GetPositionHistorySize (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Query size of position history. More...
long LCA_IsAxisEnabled (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Query if axis is enabled. More...
long LCA_IsAxisHomingPosAttained (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Check if homing is attained by device. More...
long LCA_IsAxisInFaultState (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Check if axis is in a fault state. More...
long LCA_IsAxisStopped (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Check if drive is stopped or if it is moving. More...
long LCA_IsAxisTargetPosReached (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Check if device reached its target position. More...
long LCA_IsHomingPosAttained (dev_hdl hAxisSystem)
 Check if homing position of the given axis system is attained. More...
long LCA_IsPosMarkerSupported (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Check if a certain axis supports position marker functionality. More...
long LCA_IsTargetPosReached (dev_hdl hAxisSystem)
 Check if an axis system reached its target position. More...
long LCA_LookupAxisByName (const char *pAxisName, dev_hdl *AxisHandle)
 Lookup an axis by its name. More...
long LCA_LookupAxisSystemByName (const char *AxisSystemName, dev_hdl *AxisSystemHandle)
 Lookup an axis system by its name. More...
long LCA_MoveDistance (dev_hdl hAxis, double fDistance, double fVelocity, unsigned long PrivData)
 Move a certain distance with an axis. More...
long LCA_MoveToPos (dev_hdl hAxis, double fPosition, double fVelocity, unsigned long PrivData)
 Move axis to a certain absolute position with a certain velocity. More...
long LCA_MoveToPosXY (dev_hdl hAxisSystem, double fPositionX, double fPositionY, double fVelocity, unsigned long PrivData)
 Moves XY positioning system to a certain XY position if coordinate space. More...
long LCA_MoveWithVelocity (dev_hdl hAxis, double fVelocity, unsigned long PrivData)
 Move an axis with a certain velocity. More...
long LCA_ReadCapturedPosition (dev_hdl hAxis, unsigned short PosHistoryIndex, double *pfCapturedPosition)
 Read captured position from device. More...
long LCA_ReadLastAxisDevErr (dev_hdl hAxis, long *pLastDevErr)
 Query last occurred error code. More...
long LCA_ReadPosMarkerCounter (dev_hdl hAxis, unsigned short *pPosCounter)
 Reads the number of detected edges from device. More...
long LCA_ReadPosMarkerEdgeType (dev_hdl hAxis, unsigned short *pEdgeType)
 Reads the edge type for position capturing from device. More...
long LCA_ReadPosMarkerMode (dev_hdl hAxis, unsigned short *pMode)
 Reads the capturing mode from device. More...
long LCA_RestoreAxisPosCnt (dev_hdl hAxis, long PosCntValue)
 Restore internal hardware position counter value. More...
long LCA_SetAxisHomingOffset (dev_hdl hAxis, double fOffset)
 Set the home offset used for homing moves. More...
long LCA_SetAxisHomingSwitchSpeed (dev_hdl hAxis, double fSpeed)
 Set speed for move to homing or limit switch. More...
long LCA_SetDefaultPosUnit (dev_hdl hAxis, int Prefix, int PositionUnit)
 Set default position unit. More...
long LCA_SetDefaultVelUnit (dev_hdl hAxis, int Prefix, int PositionUnit, int TimeUnit)
 Set default velocity unit. More...
long LCA_StopMove (dev_hdl hAxisSystem)
 Stop movement of axis system - send stop command to all axis system axes. More...
long LCA_StopMoveOfAxis (dev_hdl hAxis)
 Stop axis movement of a single axis. More...
long LCA_WritePosMarkerEdgeType (dev_hdl hAxis, unsigned short EdgeType)
 Configure the edge type for position capturing. More...
long LCA_WritePosMarkerMode (dev_hdl hAxis, unsigned short Mode)
 Configures the capturing mode. More...

Detailed Description

labbCAN Motion Control Application Programming Interface

Uwe Kindler (UK)